Bangalore Bikers


Common Questions

If your query is not answered below, feel free to contact us for more details.

BB Forum

An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. Online forum is for users to engage in discussion and share information or opinions on one or more topics, especially a website dedicated to such discussion.

Go to and then click on “Join BB Forum” button. Now click on “Sign Up” or “Register” link. Fill the form and submit.

Once your membership is approved, you will receive an email. Please make sure that you mention your valid email ID while filling the registration form.

Nope. Bangalore Bikers community platform is free. You don’t need to pay to anyone to join Bangalore Bikers community.

Nope. Bangalore Bikers do not prefer any WhatsApp or Telegram Group. BB has too many members. All our trip planning, post ride updates and other discussions take place in the forum itself.

Whenever BB organizes any road trip, just before the ride, BB creates a temporary WhatsApp group so that during the ride members can communicate with each other. After completing the ride, we delete the temporary WhatsApp group.

As you are aware of the current Covid Pandemic situation in the country, BB is not organizing any road trip. The forum activities are less at this moment. For this lockdown period we have created a temporary Telegram Group where all BB members can join and have biking discussion. This temporary Telegram group will also be deleted as soon as the country comes back to normal.

You can join the Telegram Group via below link.
Telegram Group

BB Website

BB Website is a media portal where we publish motorcycle related contents to help bikers. On the BB website you can find very useful contents on various topics like which motorcycle to buy, where to service your motorcycle, where to ride, where to get safety gear from and many more.

BB Forum is an online discussion site where you can join by registering on the forum. It is mandatory to become a member of BB forum to ride with us. We plan all our events via forum so a member can easily find all details in the forum and join the conversation. BB forum is free for all. You just need to sign up.

Yes! We are always looking for fresh contents. If you are passionate about writing in Automobile sector (especially in biking), send your article to us. If your article meets our guidelines, we will definitely publish the article by providing you the complete credit. Our details are mentioned on the contact page. You can get in touch with us with your article anytime.

At this moment BB is not hiring. But if you are truly an enthusiast and passionate about biking, send your profile to us. We will get in touch with you whenever there are requirements. Passionate automobile enthusiasts are most welcome to work voluntarily with BB and learn about biking.

bb rides

Members of Bangalore Bikers are most welcome to join any ride that BB organizes. You need to be a registered member of BB. Check the upcoming ride details in BB forum. There will be a separate registration form to join any BB ride. Fill the form and stay active in the forum.

Whenever BB organizes a ride, a thread is created in the BB forum. Ride planning and other discussions take place there. We publish all details like date, meeting point, meeting time, destination details, breakfast point etc. A member can login to the forum and check “Upcoming Events” section. All upcoming ride details will be mentioned there. You can also check the calendar in BB forum to find upcoming ride details.

Basically any member of BB can login to the forum and find upcoming ride details. We also have a Telegram Channel where we post a notification whenever we plan a ride. You can join the Telegram Channel via below link
Telegram Channel

In BB there is no discrimination between age, gender and CC. Anyone with any bike is most welcome to be part of BB family and BB rides.

In BB, 85% members do not have superbike. But they have serious passion towards riding. If you are passionate about riding, you will love BB. Anyone with any bike is most welcome to be part of BB family and BB rides.

As long as you have a valid driving license, you are most welcome to ride with BB.

Friends are most welcome as long as they wear safety gear and follow BB guidelines. If your friend is a rider then he/she must be a registered member of BB first. Only after that he/she is eligible to ride with BB. If your friend is joining as pillion, then the registration is not required. He/She should wear full a set of gear.

We do not encourage that. For a short ride may be we will allow. But for long rides you must have your own bike. In past we had bad experience with rented bikes. As you do not know the condition of a rented bike, it is difficult to rely on them for long distance ride. Any issue with the bike will cause inconvenience to the entire group.

safety gear

A full set of safety gear is mandatory for the rider and for the pillion to ride with BB. No member of BB is allowed to ride with us without proper set of gear.

  • A full face helmet.
  • A riding jacket with armours.
  • Fingers covered gloves
  • Riding Pant with armours or Knee guard.
  • Riding Boot or any tough shoe.

Come-on dude. It’s your head. Why should someone else has to set a rule for your own safety? Get a proper full-face helmet and other gears. Ride safe and enjoy your ride.